Seco Tools AB (SECO)
Seco Tools is one of the largest international companies within metal cutting industry and is a part of Sandvik Machining Solutions, a global market-leading manufacturer of tools and tooling systems for advanced industrial metal cutting applications. Seco employs 5,500 people globally, of which 1,200 work at the Head Office in Fagersta in Sweden, where the main R&D and production facilities are located. In addition to the main European production units located in Sweden, the Czech Republic, France and the Netherlands, the company has also overseas production operations in the USA and India and host several technical competence centres around the world.
CV of persons who will primarily be involved in the project
Rachid M’Saoubi, Senior Research Scientist (male) is a Fellow the International Academy of Production Engineering (CIRP) and received his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering in 1998 at Ecole Nationale Supérieure D’Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) in Paris, France. He joined the Swedish Institute for Metals Research (SIMR, Stockholm) in 1998 where he conducted research projects in cooperation with cutting tool manufacturers and steel companies. He is employed since 2006 as a Senior Research Scientist at Seco Tools AB in Sweden in the division for R&D Materials and Technology Development and is currently on secondment at their daughter company located in Alcester in the UK (Seco Tools UK, Ltd). His main research interests are concerned with the investigation of material aspects in machining processes including surface integrity, wear mechanisms and machining performance. Some of his key achievements include the development and application of experimental methods for studying into details thermal microstructural and tribological aspects involved in the metal cutting process. Examples of this are the development of Infrared base temperature methods for tool temperature measurement, Electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) for the study deformation in machining and Laser time of flight mass spectroscopy for investigation adhesion at tool chip contact.