Lund University, Division of Production and Materials Engineering (LU)
Lund University has a long and vibrant history covering almost 350 years of teaching. It has evolved from just a few hundred students and professors into its present form, with around 48 000 students and a position of excellence in international teaching and research. Now the university is ranked as one of the top 100 in the world. Internationally renowned research is carried out at Lund University in several cutting-edge research fields, including nanotechnology, climate change and stem cell biology. With eight faculties covering from engineering to humanities Lund University has a breadth of research and a strong cross-disciplinary approach to finding solutions to today’s world problems. Over EUR 500 million is awarded annually to research at eight faculties, which gives Lund University one of the strongest and broadest ranges of research in Sweden. We cooperate with 680 partner universities in over 50 countries and are the only Swedish university to be a member of the strong international networks LERU (the League of European Research Universities) and Universitas 21.
CV of persons who will primarily be involved in the project
Jan-Eric Ståhl, Professor, (male) received his MSc. from Lund University (Sweden) in 1982 and PhD from Lund University (Sweden) in 1986. He was appointed as Associate Professor and full professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lund University, Sweden in 1987 and 1990 respectively. Jan-Eric Ståhl has been working in education and research in the area of production and materials engineering for more than 30 years. He was the director of educational programs at the Faculty of Engineering and Vice Dean at the respective faculty responsible for the industrial connection. He has published more than 200 scientific articles, which cover wide range of production and materials engineering, from modeling of machining process, machinability of materials, lean manufacturing and modeling of manufacturing economics – the important link between technology and economics. He has several patents on material engineering and metal cutting technology. He has won National Awards in production research for activities related to implementation and technology transfer of research results into Swedish industry. He initiated and started up the Swedish Production Academy in 2006 and has been president for two terms.
Jinming Zhou, Professor, (male) received his BSc and MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering in Sichuan University, China, in 1982 and 1984 respectively. He completed his PhD study in Lund University, Sweden, and obtained the degree in 1996. He was appointed as associated professor in 2002 and then full professor in 2012 in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lund University. Jinming Zhou has long teaching and research experience in the area of manufacturing science and engineering. His research area covers advanced manufacturing processes in particular focus on machining difficult-to-cut materials, surface integrity, nanoindentation technology and material characterization. He has conducted research projects which were supported by EU, Swedish national funding and industrial funding. He has published more than 80 scientific papers on reviewed journals, conference and industrial internal reports in his research area.
Volodymyr Bushlya, PhD, Senior researcher, (male) received his MSc on Manufacturing Engineering from Zhytomyr State Technological University in Ukraine in 2001. He continued his research, teaching and administrative career at the same university. 2007 he defended a PhD thesis on design of high performance face mills equipped with superhard wBN/cBN materials at National Technical University of Ukraine. He has been actively involved in multiple educational TEMPUS programs. 2009 he received a Post-Doc position at Lund University, Sweden where he focused on the research activities on tool wear, design, performance and tool materials. The particular area of interest is structure, properties, and performance of superhard materials of cBN and diamond varieties.